I started spotting gray hair on my head at a very early age. It actually made me feel bad and I was quite conscious about it. So I decided to use dye and recolor them. This wasn’t good for my hair because in 3 weeks I was back to have my hair dyed again. Colour Keep was then suggested to me by a friend who is equally a hairdresser, rather than constantly dying my hair. After using it for about 2 weeks, I started to see obvious changes and by the time I had used it for a month, I could find any gray roots. I am presently rocking my natural hair color again and have not stopped using the spray, just as a preventive measure.
Colour Keep was my savior! As a woman, the sight of gray hair just simply indicates that you are aging. After I had bought all sorts of color dyes, tried other remedies suggested by friends, even applied vitamins that were meant for hair only, no good results were seen. Then I was introduced to Colour Keep spray by my daughter, in fact, she gave it to me. Decided to give it a try and a month later, gray hair was almost gone completely. I kept using it and in six weeks there were no traces of grey hair on my head anymore.
Having gray hair didn’t really matter to me. Ok so I have gray hair, what’s the big deal? Well, I then saw a web advert about this spray, and to please my husband I ordered it. To my greatest surprise, it took only a matter of weeks for the gray hair on my hair to reduce. Motivated by the results, I kept using and in a month my hair was completely dark again, you would think I was in my 20s